Hear all the new liquor law changes in the state of Utah that include stricter DUI laws, stronger beer, and traveling with alcohol.

Hear all the new liquor law changes in the state of Utah that include stricter DUI laws, stronger beer, and traveling with alcohol.
When the “This Is a Restaurant, Not a Bar” signs became obsolete they were turned into an art project by Utah Liquor Lawyer Tanner Lenart.
Tanner was recently featured on Visit Utah’s Instagram where she talked about some of the myths surrounding Utah’s Liquor Laws.
Tanner talks about the recent DABS meeting and answers questions related to Utah liquor law in an interview with the Utah Booze News podcast.
Visibility of alcohol storage is NOT the issue; The visibility of dispensing alcohol is the Issue.
Top 5 Questions and FAQs for Liquor Licenses in Utah Regarding Bars, Restaurants, Breweries, Wineries, Cideries, Distilleries, and Liquor License Transferring.